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Miller WR, Rose GS. Motivational interviewing in relational context. American Psychologist [Internet]. 2010 ;65:298-299. Available from:
Söderlund LL. Motivational interviewing in theory and practice. Linköping: Department of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University; 2010. Available from:
Freudenthal JJ, Bowen DM. Motivational interviewing to decrease parental risk-related behaviors for early childhood caries. Journal of Dental Hygiene [Internet]. 2010 [cited *13];84:29-34. Available from: URL:
DiRosa LC. Motivational interviewing to treat overweight/obesity: A meta-analysis of relevant research. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. 2010 [cited ].
Britt E, Blampied NM. Motivational interviewing training: A pilot study of the effects on practitioner and patient behaviour. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy [Internet]. 2010 ;38:239-244. Available from:
Carlbring P, Jonsson J, Josephson H, Forsberg L. Motivational interviewing versus cognitive behavioral group therapy in the treatment of problem and pathological gambling: A randomized controlled trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];39:92-103. Available from:
Naar-King S, Suarez M. Motivational interviewing with adolescents and young adults. (Rollnick S, Miller WR). New York: Guilford Press; 2010.
Linden A, Butterworth SW, Prochaska JO. Motivational interviewing-based health coaching as a chronic care intervention. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice [Internet]. 2010 [cited 13];16:166-174. Available from:
Nederfeldt L, Fredin S. Motiverande samtal - för vad? Av vem?. Solna: Karolinska institutets folkhälsoakademi; 2010.
Ortiz L, Klappenbach A, Sahlberg L-L. Motiverande samtal med ungdomar : stöd vid rådgivning om levnadsvanor. Stockholm: Karolinska institutets folkhälsoakademi; 2010. Available from:
Naar-King S, Parsons JT, Murphy D, Kolmodin K, Harris DR. A multisite randomized trial of a motivational intervention targeting multiple risks in youth living with HIV: Initial effects on motivation, self-efficacy, and depression. Journal of Adolescent Health [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];46:422-428. Available from:
Vong SK, Cheing GL, Chan F, So EM, Chan CC. Motivational enhancement therapy in addition to physical therapy improves motivational factors and treatment outcomes in people with low back pain: A randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2011 [cited *1];92:176-183.
Reinke K, Herman C, Sprick R. Motivational interviewing for effective classroom management: The classroom check-up. New York: Guilford Press; 2011.
Anon. Motivational interviewing from a cognitive behavioral perspective. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice [Internet]. 2011 ;18:70-73. Available from:
Stein LAR, Sminkey PV, Ball GD, Colby SM, Barnett NP, Golembeske C, Monti PM. Motivational interviewing to reduce substance-related consequences: Effects for incarcerated adolescents with depressed mood. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2011 ;118:475-478.
Pengchit W, Walters ST, Simmons RG, Kohlmann W, Burt RW, Schwartz MD, Kinney AY. Motivation-based intervention to promote colonoscopy screening: An integration of a fear management model and motivational interviewing. Journal of health psychology. 2011 .
Sundelin A, Kleine H. Motiverande samtal - MI : en undersökning om deltagarnas syn på grundkurs i Motiverande samtal. Karlstad: Folkhälsa och samhällsmedicin, Landstinget i Värmland; 2011.
Forsberg L, Forsberg K, Knifström E. Motiverande samtal vid spelproblem och spelberoende : en praktisk manual. Östersund: Statens folkhälsoinstitut; 2011. Available from:


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