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Donovan DM, Rosengren DB, Downey L, Cox GB, Sloan KL. Attrition prevention with individuals awaiting publicly funded drug treatment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 [cited *1];96:1149-1160. Available from:
Long CG, Hollin CR. Assessment and management of eating disordered patients who over-exercise: A four-year follow-up of six single case studies. Journal of Mental Health [Internet]. 1995 [cited 12];4:309-316. Available from: URL:
Söderlund LL, Nordqvist C, Angbratt M, Nilsen P. Applying motivational interviewing to counselling overweight and obese children. Health Education Research [Internet]. 2009 ;24:442-449. Available from:
Söderlund LL, Nordqvist C, Angbratt M, Nilsen P. Applying motivational interviewing to counselling overweight and obese children. Health Education Research [Internet]. 2009 ;24:442-449. Available from:
Söderlund LL, Nordqvist C, Angbratt M, Nilsen P. Applying motivational interviewing to counselling overweight and obese children. Health Education Research [Internet]. 2009 ;24:442-449. Available from:
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Simpson HB, Zuckoff A, Page JR, Franklin ME, Foa EB. Adding motivational interviewing to exposure and ritual prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder: An open pilot trial. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Internet]. 2008 [cited 1];37:38-49. Available from:
Cisler R, Holder HD, Longabaugh R, Stout RL, Zweben A. Actual and estimated replication costs for alcohol treatment modalities: Case study from Project MATCH. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];59:503-512. Available from:
Cisler R, Holder HD, Longabaugh R, Stout RL, Zweben A. Actual and estimated replication costs for alcohol treatment modalities: Case study from Project MATCH. Journal of Studies on Alcohol [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];59:503-512. Available from:


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