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Safe Sex
Koblin B, Chesney M, Coates T. Effects of a behavioural intervention to reduce acquisition of HIV infection among men who have sex with men: The EXPLORE randomised controlled study. Lancet [Internet]. 2004 [cited *1];364:41-50. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Earleywine M, Olsen H. Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: Analyzing an element of motivational interviewing. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2006 [cited 1];31:254-263. Available from:
Golin CE, Patel S, Tiller K, Quinlivan BE, Grodensky CA, Boland M. Start talking about risks: Development of a motivational interviewing-based safer sex program for people living with HIV. AIDS and Behavior [Internet]. 2007 ;11:S72-S83. Available from:
Byrne A, Watson R, Butler C, Accoroni A. Increasing the confidence of nursing staff to address the sexual health needs of people living with HIV: The use of motivational interviewing. AIDS Care [Internet]. 2006 ;18:501-504. Available from:
Golin CE, Davis RA, Przybyla SM, Fowler B, Parker S, Earp J, Quinlivan BE, Kalichman SC, Patel SN, Grodensky CA. SafeTalk, a multicomponent, motivational interviewing-based, safer sex counseling program for people living with HIV/AIDS: A qualitative assessment of patients’ views. AIDS Patient Care and STDs [Internet]. 2010 ;24:237-245. Available from:
Rural Health
Beckham N. Motivational interviewing with hazardous drinkers. Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners [Internet]. 2007 [cited *1];19:103-10. Available from:
risk-taking youth
Nagy P. Motivational interviewing. In: Dulcan MK Dulcan's textbook of child and adolescent psychiatry. Dulcan's textbook of child and adolescent psychiatry. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric; 2010. pp. 915-924. Available from:


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