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LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Earleywine M, Olsen H. Reducing heavy drinking in college males with the decisional balance: Analyzing an element of motivational interviewing. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2006 [cited 1];31:254-263. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Huchting KK, Lac A, Tawalbeh S, Thompson AD, Larimer ME. Preventing risky drinking in first-year college women: Further validation of a female-specific motivational-enhancement group intervention. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Supplement [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2]:77-85. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Feres N, Kenney SR, Lac A. Family history of alcohol abuse moderates effectiveness of a group motivational enhancement intervention in college women. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2009 [cited *2];34:415-420. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Thompson AD, Earleywine M. A brief decisional balance intervention increases motivation and behavior regarding condom use in high-risk heterosexual college men. Archives of Sexual Behavior [Internet]. 2008 [cited *1];37:330-339. Available from:
LaBrie JW, Pedersen ER, Lamb TF, Quinlan T. A campus-based motivational enhancement group intervention reduces problematic drinking in freshmen male college students. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 2007 [cited 2];32:889-901. Available from:
Litt MD, Kadden RM, Stephens RS, Marijuana Treatment Project Research Group. Coping and self-efficacy in marijuana treatment: Results from the marijuana treatment project. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 2005 [cited *1];73:1015-1025. Available from:
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Marlatt GA, Baer JS, Kivlahan DR, Dimeff LA, Larimer ME, Quigley LA, Somers JM, Williams E. Screening and brief intervention for high-risk college student drinkers: Results from a 2-year follow-up assessment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology [Internet]. 1998 [cited *1];66:604-615. Available from:
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Merlo LJ, Storch EA, Lehmkuhl HD, Jacob ML, Murphy TK, Goodman WK, Geffken GR. Cognitive behavioral therapy plus motivational interviewing improves outcome for pediatric obsessive-compulsive disorder: A preliminary study. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy [Internet]. 2010 [cited *1];39:24-27. Available from:
Miller JH, Moyers TB. Motivational interviewing in substance abuse: Applications for occupational medicine. Occupational Medicine [Internet]. 2002 ;17:51-65. Available from:
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Miller WR. Motivational interviewing: Research, practice, and puzzles. Addictive Behaviors [Internet]. 1996 ;21:835-842. Available from:
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