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Miller WR. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1770-1771. Available from:
Miller WR. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1770-1771. Available from:
Miller WR. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1770-1771. Available from:
Longabaugh R. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1773-1774. Available from:
Longabaugh R. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1773-1774. Available from:
Longabaugh R. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1773-1774. Available from:
Heather N. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1772-1773. Available from:
Heather N. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1772-1773. Available from:
Heather N. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Comment. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1772-1773. Available from:
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Dunn C, Deroo L, Rivara FP. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Reply. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1774-1775. Available from:
Dunn C, Deroo L, Rivara FP. 'The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review': Reply. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 ;96:1774-1775. Available from:
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Dunn C, Deroo L, Rivara FP. The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 [cited ];96:1725-1742. Available from:
Dunn C, Deroo L, Rivara FP. The use of brief interventions adapted from motivational interviewing across behavioral domains: A systematic review. Addiction [Internet]. 2001 [cited ];96:1725-1742. Available from:
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Ritson B. Treatments. In: Paton A, Touquet R ABC of alcohol. 4thth ed. ABC of alcohol. Williston, VT: BMJ Books; 2005. pp. 46-48. Available from:
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Riley KJ. Treatment of alcohol and other drug disorders in Europe: Four case studies. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2008 ;26:490-499. Available from:
Riley KJ. Treatment of alcohol and other drug disorders in Europe: Four case studies. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2008 ;26:490-499. Available from:
Riley KJ. Treatment of alcohol and other drug disorders in Europe: Four case studies. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly [Internet]. 2008 ;26:490-499. Available from:
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