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*Electronic Mail
Alemi F, Haack MR, Nemes S, Aughburns R, Sinkule J, Neuhauser D. Therapeutic emails. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy [Internet]. 2007 [cited 5];2. Available from:
*Health Behavior
Kelly CW. Therapeutic enhancement: Nursing intervention category for patients diagnosed with readiness for therapeutic regimen management. Journal of Clinical Nursing [Internet]. 2008 ;17:188-191. Available from:
Poirier MK, Clark MM, Cerhan JH, Pruthi S, Geda YE, Dale LC. Teaching motivational interviewing to first-year medical students to improve counseling skills in health behavior change. Mayo Clinic Proceedings [Internet]. 2004 ;79:327-331. Available from:
Lopez LM, Tolley EE, Grimes DA, Chen-Mok M. Theory-based interventions for contraception. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [Internet]. 2009 [cited ]:CD007249. Available from:
Brown RL, Oriel K. Teaching motivational interviewing to first-year students. Academic Medicine [Internet]. 1998 ;73:589-590. Available from:
White LL, Gazewood JD, Mounsey AL. Teaching students behavior change skills: Description and assessment of a new motivational interviewing curriculum. Medical Teacher [Internet]. 2007 ;29:e67-e71. Available from:
Levinson W, Cohen MS, Brady D, Duffy FD. To change or not to change: "Sounds like you have a dilemma". Annals of Internal Medicine [Internet]. 2001 ;135:386-391. Available from:
*HIV Infections/drug therapy/nursing/psychology
Cook PF, McCabe MM, Emiliozzi S, Pointer L. Telephone nurse counseling improves HIV medication adherence: An effectiveness study. The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3];20:316-325. Available from:


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