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Filters: Author is W R Miller and First Letter Of Keyword is H  [Clear All Filters]
Miller WR, Baca C, Compton WM, Ernst D, Manuel JK, Pringle B, Schermer CR, Weiss RD, Willenbring ML, Zweben A. Addressing substance abuse in health care settings. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2006 ;30:292-302. Available from:
Miller WR, Baca C, Compton WM, Ernst D, Manuel JK, Pringle B, Schermer CR, Weiss RD, Willenbring ML, Zweben A. Addressing substance abuse in health care settings. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research [Internet]. 2006 ;30:292-302. Available from:
Miller WR. Confrontation and resistance as chicken and egg: Comment on Francis et al. (2005). Addiction [Internet]. 2006 ;101:137; author reply 137-8. Available from:
Miller WR, Moyers TB. Eight stages in learning motivational interviewing. Journal of Teaching in The Addictions [Internet]. 2006 ;5:3-17. Available from: URL:
Schermer CR, Moyers TB, Miller WR, Bloomfield LA. Trauma center brief interventions for alcohol disorders decrease subsequent driving under the influence arrests. Journal of Trauma [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];60:29-34. Available from:
Schermer CR, Moyers TB, Miller WR, Bloomfield LA. Trauma center brief interventions for alcohol disorders decrease subsequent driving under the influence arrests. Journal of Trauma [Internet]. 2006 [cited *1];60:29-34. Available from:


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